i miss you more than words could really express. i know that you wouldn’t want me to be sad and so i go on with that in mind. i know what you would expect from me and i can only try to do my best to honor that. when i really sit and think i get upset because i don’t really understand why you were taken from me. my heart breaks when i really analyze everything. i just hurt for you. i ask what more i could’ve done. i know that i won’t get you back and i know that the best way to honor you or make you proud is to be the best version of myself that i can possibly be. i can't explain how blessed i know i am, and its all because of you. thank you for giving me life and the honor of being able to experience life with you as my mother. you were the best mother i could’ve ever asked for. i need you to know that you did all you could do for us. i wish you could be here right now but i promise to try and live my life for the both of us. i love you and i miss you a million times.
ana’s only son 🩷